P-29, r. 1 - Regulation respecting food

Full text Plans and specifications: A scale plan of the establishment of the outbuildings, and of the lot where they are built must accompany the application for a permit referred to in section, except the application for a permit referred to in subparagraph m or n of the first paragraph of section 9 of the Act, together with the specifications indicating:
(a)  the type of plant;
(b)  its location in relation to the neighbourhood;
(c)  the design, dimensions, arrangement and installations of the rooms and areas of the plant;
(d)  the dimension and location of partitions, doors, windows, stairs, pillars, rails and equipment;
(e)  the nature of materials used for ceilings, walls and floors and for the insulation of ceilings and walls of the different rooms and areas of the plant;
(f)  the description, nature and characteristics of the sanitary equipment and waste water disposal;
(g)  the description, nature and characteristics of the supply of potable water and of the supply of hot water, and of lighting, ventilation and refrigeration of rooms with mention of the temperature, and of any cold storage used by the applicant;
(h)  the nature of the materials used for the exterior facing of the plant;
(i)  the location of hot and cold water outlets.
The applicant must also furnish with his application for a permit information on:
(a)  the equipment to be used in his operations;
(b)  the name and address of the warehouse operator whose services he uses, and the location of the warehouse.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. P-29, r. 1, s.; O.C. 1055-82, s. 2; O.C. 1573-91, s. 5; O.C. 725-94, s. 3; O.C. 477-2010, s. 4.